Installing Petr4

Petr4 is available pre-built in a VM or it may be built from source.

Installing the VM

  1. Install VirtualBox or your preferred virtualization software capable of running .ova files.
  2. Download the VM image from Zenodo. It is a 1.4GB file and should not take too long to download.
  3. Boot the VM image. The username is petr4 and the password is petr4. There is a prebuilt version of petr4 installed and the source code is checked out in ~/petr4.

Installing from source

Make sure you have a local copy of the Petr4 and P4pp (P4 Preprocessor) repositories.

git clone git://
git clone git://

Installing dependences

  1. Install OPAM 2 following the official OPAM installation instructions. Make sure opam --version reports version 2 or later.

  2. Check the installed version of OCaml:

    ocamlc -v

    If the version is less than 4.09.1, upgrade:

    opam switch create 4.09.1 ocaml-base-compiler.4.09.1
  3. Install external dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install m4 libgmp-dev

Building Petr4

Run the following steps first for p4pp and then for petr4. The p4pp package is a dependency of petr4.

  1. Use OPAM to install OCaml library dependencies.

    opam install . --deps-only
  2. Build binaries using the supplied Makefile.

  3. Install the binaries in your local OPAM directory.

    make install